Sílvia Patrício

Sílvia Patrício was born in Vincennes, France, in 1974. Fine artist, graduated from the Art and Design College in Caldas da Rainha in 2000, she soon started paving her way. In 1997 she organized her first individual exhibition in Leiria, entitled “The Other Side”, and soon after she opened her own space dedicated to the promotion and sale of her pieces. From her work and exhibitions, one can highlight the collaboration with the multidisciplinary project New Arts, in 2007, and the exhibition “Wispering a Story III” at the Unamuno room in Salamanca, Spain, in the same year. “That Forbidden Passion” is produced in 2009, based on the book “The Crime of Father Amaro”, by Eça de Queiróz, and exhibited at “Ensaios” gallery in Leiria, in the same year, and again in 2012 at Resende Cultural Centre. In 2011 she carries out an exhibition in Leiria Castle, as part of the Gothic Music Festival, entitled “Between Walls”, and in 2012 she exhibits “From the Beginning to the End” in Leiria’s Bank of Portugal. This exhibition was also presented in 2013 at Casa de Portugal in Paris, with the support of Paris’ Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation and Camões Institute. In 2013 she presents “Oníria” at the Bank of Portugal’s Exhibition Centre, in Leiria, a work that brings together painting, sculpture, video and photography, with the collaboration of the photographer Sofia Mota. In 2014 she presents the exhibition “From the Beginning to the End” at Coimbra’s Cultural Centre. In 2015 she participates in the project “From Cure to Happiness” at Hospital São João, in Porto, and also presents the exhibition “Ex.posições” at the CCB gallery, Porto. In 2016 her work “This Space Is Not Just Mine”, with paintings and sculptures, is presented at Caixa Geral de Depósitos in Leiria. Since 2013, she has a collection of paintings from The Crime of Father Amaro (large format canvasses) exhibited in the streets of the historical areas of Leiria, as part of The Crime of Father Amaro Route. In 2016 she presents the exhibition “HUMANARIUS” at the premises of the Bank of Portugal and in 2017 she takes the collection “HUMANARIUS” to the Cultural Centre in Cascais and expose in Macau “Camilo Pessanha” . In the same year she exhibits the official paintings for the canonization of the Little Shepherd Children in Fatima, Portugal. In 2018 she participated in the first edition of “International biennial of Macau”. 2019 exybition at BAG Leiria whith “Metamorfosis” II, and participate again in the International Biennal of Macau. She is currently working on new projects.