Flávio Santos

Flávio Jorge Massaroco Santos was born on March 4, 1978 in Vila Franca do Campo, São Miguel, Azores.
He lived in the United States of America in 1998 and 1999, after finishing high school.
He was a flight attendant for 16 years in several Portuguese companies, the last being TAP.
The influence of other cultures has opened horizons of creativity and aesthetics, the sensitivity and need to reinvent, creating is part of an intrinsic need.
With academic frequency in economics/business management in 2012 at Universidade Lusófona.
Currently managing local accommodation in Lisbon.
The passion for the fine arts manifested itself from a very early age.
Self-taught, free-spirited and raw in illustrations where creativity manifests itself in an organic way, without rules, where painting is an emotional creative journey.
Some works suffer the emotional influence of the moment, others pure creative necessity.